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¿Por qué es un doctor de primer nivel?
Dr Nanda Shetty is a highly experienced consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist who poss... Ver más
Experto en:
- Menopausia
- Desórdenes menstruales
- Cirugía de acceso mínimo (cirugía de ojo de cerradura)
- Endometriosis
- Fibromas
- Histeroscopia quirúrgica
- Menopausia
- Desórdenes menstruales
- Cirugía de acceso mínimo (cirugía de ojo de cerradura)
- Endometriosis
- Fibromas
- Histeroscopia quirúrgica
Por qué es un doctor de primer nivel
Dr Nanda Shetty is a highly experienced consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist who possesses a high level of expertise in management of various gynaecological conditions. She is currently practising both at the NH... Ver más
Resultados del proceso de selección
Años de experiencia
Más de 5 años
Experiencia profesional
Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Spire Bushey Diagnostic Centre (present)Consultant Ob... Ver más
Valoraciones de los pacientes
Seguros médicos aceptados
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Dr Nanda Shetty
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Dr Nanda Shetty
290 Centennial Ave, Elstree, Borehamwood
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Top Doctors
Dr Nanda Shetty
Por qué es un doctor de primer nivel
Dr Nanda Shetty is a highly experienced consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist who possesses a high level of expertise in management of various gynaecological conditions. She is currently practising both at the NHS at West Hertfordshire NHS Trust and privately at the Spire Bushey Diagnostic Centre and the Spire Harpenden Hospital.
The conditions that she specialises in and has extensive experience in treating include benign gynaecology - fibroids, endometriosis, adenomyosis, pelvic, vaginal and vulval Infections, vulval dermatosis, ovarian cysts, bartholin’s and other vulval and vaginal cysts, menopause, perimenopause and post-menopausal conditions, as well as paediatric and adolescent gynaecology. She offers both open operations and minimal access surgeries including laparoscopy and hysteroscopy when surgical intervention is needed.
She adopts a holistic approach and is empathetic, patient, and gentle in approach as well as detailed in diagnosis and treatment with a very high patient satisfaction score. After successfully completing MBBS in India, Dr Shetty subsequently went on to obtain a diploma and Masters in obstetrics and gynaecology. Dr Shetty's career began in the UK in 2004, where she trained at various hospitals namely Kings College Hospital, Guys and St Thomas ‘Hospital, Woolwich Hospital and Whipps Cross Hospital across Northeast and south London.
She has over 28 years of experience in the speciality and has been a consultant in the UK for the last 10 years. She has successfully held various senior leadership positions at the NHS namely clinical director at West Herts NHS trust, foetal monitoring lead, labour ward lead, and chair of various committees including foetal monitoring and pelvic health. She has been involved in various charities and has provided voluntary health related service to underprivileged tribal communities in India.
She is particularly proud of promoting a high covid vaccine uptake and involving in administering vaccinations and producing guidelines and driving its implementation through her role as the clinical director at The West Herts NHS Trust. Dr Shetty, who has published quite a substantial number of peer-reviewed articles thus far in her medical career has a keen ongoing interest in research and teaching. She is involved in teaching and training of medical students, junior doctors, consultants and midwives regularly and was awarded the outstanding teacher award at the Kings College Hospital trust.
She is an active member of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, British Menopausal society BMS, British Paediatric and adolescent Gynaecology BritSPAG, British Society of Vulval Diseases BSSVD and British Society for Gynaecological Endoscopy BSGE and European society of gynaecological endoscopy ESGE.
Currículum y resultado del proceso de selección
Nº de colegiado: 6093608
- Hindi
- Inglés
- Kannada
- Tulú
Dr Nanda Shetty
¿Por qué es un doctor de primer nivel?
Dr Mary-Anne Smyth is a chartered counselling psychologist in central London who provides ... Ver más
Experto en:
- Baja autoestima
- Agotamiento
- Ansiedad
- Depresión
- Autoestima y desarrollo personal
- Duelo
- Baja autoestima
- Agotamiento
- Ansiedad
- Depresión
- Autoestima y desarrollo personal
- Duelo
Por qué es un doctor de primer nivel
Dr Mary-Anne Smyth is a chartered counselling psychologist in central London who provides short term and long term therapy for individuals, couples and families. She deals with areas of ab... Ver más
Resultados del proceso de selección
Años de experiencia
Más de 15 años
Experiencia profesional
Managing Director and Counselling Psychologist, Therapy Rooms, London (present)Counselling Psych... Ver más
Valoraciones de los pacientes
Seguros médicos aceptados
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Dr Mary-Anne Smyth
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Dr Mary-Anne Smyth
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Top Doctors
Dr Mary-Anne Smyth
Por qué es un doctor de primer nivel
Dr Mary-Anne Smyth is a chartered counselling psychologist in central London who provides short term and long term therapy for individuals, couples and families. She deals with areas of abuse, parenting issues, low self-confidence, trauma, depression, postnatal depression, addiction, work-related stress, anxiety, eating disorders, loneliness, inter-relational difficulties, intimacy issues, and social dynamics.
Dr Smyth completed her Doctorate in Psychotherapeutic and Counselling Psychology at the University of Surrey. She has been trained in various therapeutic models including person-centred, psychodynamic and cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). Dr Smyth also has experience in providing mindfulness and systematic therapy for couples, groups and families. She also sees adolescents. She tailors a unique therapy for every individual.
Dr Smyth also lectures in psychology to undergraduates and doctoral students.
PY/L 27624
Currículum y resultado del proceso de selección
Nº de colegiado:
- Inglés
Dr Mary-Anne Smyth
¿Por qué es un doctor de primer nivel?
Mr Daniel Fagan is a leading consultant spinal surgeon based in Darlin... Ver más
Experto en:
- Cifoplastia
- Discopatía degenerativa
- Cirugía de columna mínimamente invasiva
- Cirugía Percutánea Hernia Discal
- Prótesis de disco
- Lumbalgia
- Cifoplastia
- Discopatía degenerativa
- Cirugía de columna mínimamente invasiva
- Cirugía Percutánea Hernia Discal
- Prótesis de disco
- Lumbalgia
Por qué es un doctor de primer nivel
Mr Daniel Fagan is a leading consultant spinal surgeon based in Darlington, Harrogate and Stockton-on-Tees who specialises in... Ver más
Resultados del proceso de selección
Años de experiencia
Más de 30 años
Experiencia profesional
Consultant spinal surgeon, The Woodlands HospitalConsultant spinal surgeon, The Duchy Hospital Ver más
Valoraciones de los pacientes
Seguros médicos aceptados
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Mr Daniel Fagan
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Mr Daniel Fagan
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Top Doctors
Mr Daniel Fagan
Por qué es un doctor de primer nivel
Mr Daniel Fagan is a leading consultant spinal surgeon based in Darlington, Harrogate and Stockton-on-Tees who specialises in balloon kyphoplasty, adult degenerative spinal conditions and minimally invasive spinal surgery, alongside percutaneous discectomy, cervical disc replacement and low back pain. He privately practises at Woodlands Hospital, The Duchy Hospital and Nuffield Tees Hospital.
Mr Fagan is highly qualified with an MBChB from Bristol University in 1995 and also has an MRCS (Eng) and FRCS (Tr&Orth) from the Royal College of Surgeons of England. His background in orthopaedic and trauma surgery has been developed over 25 years of practise, meaning he has a wide range of experience in the field. Furthermore, he has detailed spinal fellowship training and has developed his own expertise in treating painful conditions and adult scoliosis or deformity correction.
Mr Fagan, who is the only surgeon in the region to offer expertise in percutaneous discectomy, or laser discectomy, is also an expert in balloon kyphoplasty. He brought this treatment to patients with osteoporotic fractures in the area 16 years ago. He also has expertise in managing complex adult degenerative reconstruction and complex adult spinal trauma in isolation, or within the sphere of multiple-trauma and critically-injured patients.
Mr Fagan was an early adopter of minimally invasive treatment of back pain with minimal access spinal fusion in 2007 and of osteoporotic fractures of the spine with vertebral body augmentation, and his research into this, as well as various other orthopaedic and spinal surgery topics, has been published in various peer-reviewed journals. This has led to him being invited to speak at international meetings and teach these techniques to other consultants.
Mr Fagan is a respected clinical leader, and is an advisor for the National Institute of Clinical Excellence, the Chairman of the Medical Advisory Committee and is part of the senior management for clinical governance and patient safety at Woodlands Hospital. He is also a Clinical Chairman of Circle Health Group.
Mr Fagan is a member of various professional organisations including the British Association of Spinal Surgeons (BASS), British Scoliosis Society (BSS) and AO International Spine.
He also sits on the Local Health & Wellbeing Board as an elected member of Stockton Borough Council.
Currículum y resultado del proceso de selección
Nº de colegiado: 4219910
- Francés
- Inglés
Mr Daniel Fagan
¿Por qué es un doctor de primer nivel?
Dr Sabiha Gati is a highly-experienced consultant cardiologist who holds a special interes... Ver más
Experto en:
- Cardiología deportiva
- Miocardiopatía
- Cribado cardíaco
- Resonancia magnética
- Ecocardiograma
- Prueba de esfuerzo
- Cardiología deportiva
- Miocardiopatía
- Cribado cardíaco
- Resonancia magnética
- Ecocardiograma
- Prueba de esfuerzo
Por qué es un doctor de primer nivel
Dr Sabiha Gati is a highly-experienced consultant cardiologist who holds a special interest in inherited cardiac diseases, sports cardiology, breathlessness and Ver más
Resultados del proceso de selección
Años de experiencia
Más de 20 años
Experiencia profesional
Consultant Cardiologist, BMI The Blackheath Hospital (present)Consultant Cardiologist, Royal Bro... Ver más
Valoraciones de los pacientes
Seguros médicos aceptados
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Dr Sabiha Gati
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Dr Sabiha Gati
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Top Doctors
Dr Sabiha Gati
Por qué es un doctor de primer nivel
Dr Sabiha Gati is a highly-experienced consultant cardiologist who holds a special interest in inherited cardiac diseases, sports cardiology, breathlessness and dizziness.
Dr Gati completed her three year PhD research training, which involved echocardiography and inherited cardiac diseases and published her work in the scientific journal Circulation.
Her other peer-reviewed publications include work relating to left ventricular hypertrabeculation in athletes published in Heart, ECG guidelines in athletes published in European Heart Journal, and most recently aortic dimension in athletes, which was also published in the journal Heart.
Dr Gati is also part of several European Society of Cardiology guideline committees.
Currículum y resultado del proceso de selección
Nº de colegiado: 6106246
- Inglés
- Urdu
Dr Sabiha Gati
¿Por qué es un doctor de primer nivel?
Mr Massimo Garriboli is a distinguished consultant paediatric urologist at The Portland Ho... Ver más
Experto en:
- Hipospadias
- Circuncisión
- Hidronefrosis
- Infección del tracto urinario
- Piedras en el riñón
- Testículo no descendido (Criptorquidia)
- Hipospadias
- Circuncisión
- Hidronefrosis
- Infección del tracto urinario
- Piedras en el riñón
- Testículo no descendido (Criptorquidia)
Por qué es un doctor de primer nivel
Mr Massimo Garriboli is a distinguished consultant paediatric urologist at The Portland Hospital for Women and Children. He specialises in hypospadias, circumcision Ver más
Resultados del proceso de selección
Años de experiencia
Más de 20 años
Experiencia profesional
Consultant paediatric urologist, The Portland Hospital for Women and Children (present)Consultan... Ver más
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Mr Massimo Garriboli
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Mr Massimo Garriboli
53 Parkside, London SW19 5NX, United Kingdom
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Westminster Bridge Rd, London SE1 7EH, United Kingdom
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Top Doctors
Mr Massimo Garriboli
Por qué es un doctor de primer nivel
Mr Massimo Garriboli is a distinguished consultant paediatric urologist at The Portland Hospital for Women and Children. He specialises in hypospadias, circumcision, hydronephrosis, urinary tract infection (UTI), kidney stones and undescended testicle.
Mr Garriboli graduated with honours from the University Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Milan, in 2003. Following that, he completed paediatric surgery and paediatric urology training at the Università degli Studi di Milano in 2009, also with honours. During training, Mr Garriboli spent a year at the Hospital Universitario La Paz in Madrid, Spain.
He moved to the United Kingdom and worked at Great Ormond Street Hospital, London, where he furthered his skills in paediatric urology during a two-year fellowship. In 2013, Mr Garriboli became a locum consultant paediatric urologist at St George’s Healthcare Foundation Trust and Epsom and St Helier University Hospital. In March 2014, he was appointed as substantive consultant paediatric urologist at the Evelina London Children’s Hospital, Guy’s and St. Thomas NHS Foundation.
Over the last five years, Mr Garriboli has played a key role in developing various services within his unit, including overseeing the Posterior Urethral Valves service, performing more than 250 laparoscopic procedures, establishing a hypospadias clinic, managing complex bladder dysfunction, and leading academic and clinical research programs.
Currículum y resultado del proceso de selección
Nº de colegiado: 7072093
- Español
- Inglés
- Italiano
Mr Massimo Garriboli
¿Por qué es un doctor de primer nivel?
Mr David Ross McArthur is an experienced consultant colorectal, general and laparoscopic s... Ver más
Experto en:
- Colonoscopia
- Hernia
- Cáncer colorrectal
- Cirugía hemorroides
- Laparoscopy
- Cáncer de Intestino
- Colonoscopia
- Hernia
- Cáncer colorrectal
- Cirugía hemorroides
- Laparoscopy
- Cáncer de Intestino
Por qué es un doctor de primer nivel
Mr David Ross McArthur is an experienced consultant colorectal, general and laparoscopic surgeon based in Birmingham. Mr McArthur has a specialist interest in minimally-invasive techniques for the... Ver más
Resultados del proceso de selección
Años de experiencia
Más de 25 años
Experiencia profesional
Consultant General and Colorectal Surgeon, Spire Parkway Hospital (present)Consultant General an... Ver más
Valoraciones de los pacientes
Seguros médicos aceptados
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Mr David McArthur
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Mr David McArthur
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Top Doctors
Mr David McArthur
Por qué es un doctor de primer nivel
Mr David Ross McArthur is an experienced consultant colorectal, general and laparoscopic surgeon based in Birmingham. Mr McArthur has a specialist interest in minimally-invasive techniques for the management of colorectal and general surgical conditions, including laparoscopy (keyhole surgery) to treat hernias and all colorectal conditions (cancer and inflammatory bowel disease), and novel techniques to treat haemorrhoids (Rafaelo, THD, eXroid). In addition, Mr McArthur offers treatment for a full range of benign anorectal conditions, including piles, anal fissure, anal fistula and pilonidal sinus, and is a fully trained, JAG-accredited colonoscopist, offering both diagnostic and therapeutic colonoscopy.
Mr McArthur qualified from the University of Birmingham with honours in surgery. He was awarded an MD by the University of Warwick for his research into the pathogenesis of colorectal cancer and later completed a fellowship in laparoscopic colorectal surgery at Leeds, where he developed a specialist interest in the management of patients with advanced and recurrent rectal cancer. In 2011, Mr McArthur was appointed Consultant General and Colorectal Surgeon at Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust, and in 2018 continued in this role at University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Trust. At the Trust, he has played a key role in furthering the provision of laparoscopic colorectal surgery and setting up a service for patients with locally advanced and recurrent rectal cancer.
Throughout his career Mr McArthur has maintained a key interest in teaching, first as a lecturer in anatomy at the University of Birmingham, and more recently as course director for the Royal College of Surgeons' "Strategies in Emergency General Surgery", and the ACPGBI "M42 Coloproctology for Junior Surgical Trainee" courses. He has published widely on a variety of colorectal and general surgical conditions and has presented at numerous international and national meetings. He has sat on the Council of the Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland from 2016-2019.
Currículum y resultado del proceso de selección
Nº de colegiado: 4502757
- Inglés
Mr David McArthur
¿Por qué es un doctor de primer nivel?
Dr Rupa Parmar is an exceptionally well-regarded GP who possesses expertise in women's... Ver más
Experto en:
- Salud de la mujer
- Menopausia
- La salud sexual
- Chequeo médico
- Evaluación psicológica
- Revisión ginecológica
- Salud de la mujer
- Menopausia
- La salud sexual
- Chequeo médico
- Evaluación psicológica
- Revisión ginecológica
Por qué es un doctor de primer nivel
Dr Rupa Parmar is an exceptionally well-regarded GP who possesses expertise in women's health, menopause, sexual health, breast screenin... Ver más
Resultados del proceso de selección
Años de experiencia
Más de 20 años
Experiencia profesional
GP, Midland Health UK (2019 - present) Ver más
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Dr Rupa Parmar
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Dr Rupa Parmar
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Top Doctors
Dr Rupa Parmar
Por qué es un doctor de primer nivel
Dr Rupa Parmar is an exceptionally well-regarded GP who possesses expertise in women's health, menopause, sexual health, breast screening, general health screening, and gynaecological examinations. She is the medical director and founder of Midland Health UK. She has been working as a private GP for over 7 years, and prior to this, she was a partner in a large NHS practice in Bristol.
Dr Parmar, who is highly skilled in healthcare management and leadership thanks to her successful completion of a BSc in healthcare management and leadership at the Imperial College Business School in 2003, is also a trusted specialist in relation to gynaecological cancer screening and the treatment and diagnosis of sexually transmitted infections.
After completing her previously mentioned BSc in 2003, Dr Parmar would then go on to obtain an MBBS from the University of Birmingham a year later. Following this, she then added a diploma in child health to her name, which she completed at the Royal College of Paediatrics in 2005. She also has the diploma from the Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology and is a member of the faculty of reproductive and sexual health. Dr Parmar is able to fit contraceptive devices such as copper, hormonal coils, and contraceptive implants.
Currículum y resultado del proceso de selección
Nº de colegiado: 6100588
- Guyaratí
- Inglés
Dr Rupa Parmar
¿Por qué es un doctor de primer nivel?
Mr Jonathan Bull is a consultant neurosurgeon and spinal surgeon. He treats a full range o... Ver más
Experto en:
- Dolor cervical
- Dolor de espalda
- Dolor en el brazo
- Spinal stenosis
- Ciática
- Cirugía de columna mínimamente invasiva
- Dolor cervical
- Dolor de espalda
- Dolor en el brazo
- Spinal stenosis
- Ciática
- Cirugía de columna mínimamente invasiva
Por qué es un doctor de primer nivel
Mr Jonathan Bull is a consultant neurosurgeon and spinal surgeon. He treats a full range of brain and spinal disorders which cause pain and dysfunction in the spine and the limbs with both si... Ver más
Resultados del proceso de selección
Años de experiencia
Más de 25 años
Experiencia profesional
Consultant Neurosurgeon and Spinal Surgeon, Jonathan Bull Spinal Surgery - HCA The Shard / London Br... Ver más
Valoraciones de los pacientes
Seguros médicos aceptados
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Mr Jonathan Bull
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Mr Jonathan Bull
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Top Doctors
Mr Jonathan Bull
Por qué es un doctor de primer nivel
Mr Jonathan Bull is a consultant neurosurgeon and spinal surgeon. He treats a full range of brain and spinal disorders which cause pain and dysfunction in the spine and the limbs with both simple and complex procedures.
He studied neurophysiology and medicine at Cambridge University before qualifying in 2000.
Mr Bull completed initial surgical training at St Mary’s campus, Imperial College, followed by higher surgical training in neurosurgery under the tutelage of Henry Marsh in the south Thames Programme. Alongside this, he achieved a Doctor of Medicine (MD Res) at University College London (UCL) specialising in MRI imaging of paediatric brain tumours.
He then undertook two specialist fellowships in complex spine surgery, initially as the Sir Victor Horsley Complex Spine fellow between the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital, Stanmore and the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery (Queen Square). He was subsequently awarded a European Association of Neurosurgical Societies (EANS) fellowship at University Hospital Klinikum rechts der Isar. He became a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons in 2011.
Mr Bull joined the Barts Health Trust as a Consultant in 2012; his NHS practice is based in the Trust’s Royal London Hospital.
Currículum y resultado del proceso de selección
Nº de colegiado: 4767846
- Inglés
Mr Jonathan Bull
¿Por qué es un doctor de primer nivel?
Dr Martynas Juozaitis is a leading consultant in anaesthesia and pain medicine based in Lo... Ver más
Experto en:
- Tratamiento del dolor
- Dolor musculoesquelético
- Células madre
- Plasma rico en plaquetas
- Rodilla
- Dolor articulaciones
- Tratamiento del dolor
- Dolor musculoesquelético
- Células madre
- Plasma rico en plaquetas
- Rodilla
- Dolor articulaciones
Por qué es un doctor de primer nivel
Dr Martynas Juozaitis is a leading consultant in anaesthesia and pain medicine based in London. He treats and manages musculoskeletal pain, mainly using interventional treatments with a focus on functional improvemen... Ver más
Resultados del proceso de selección
Años de experiencia
Más de 20 años
Experiencia profesional
Consultant Anaesthetist and Pain Medicine Specialist, Algocells Verney House (present)Subst... Ver más
Valoraciones de los pacientes
Seguros médicos aceptados
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Dr Martynas Juozaitis
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Dr Martynas Juozaitis
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Top Doctors
Dr Martynas Juozaitis
Por qué es un doctor de primer nivel
Dr Martynas Juozaitis is a leading consultant in anaesthesia and pain medicine based in London. He treats and manages musculoskeletal pain, mainly using interventional treatments with a focus on functional improvement. His areas of expertise include regenerative medicine; spinal, knee, and ankle pain; orthobiologics and musculoskeletal injury treatment.
Dr Juozaitis completed his medical training in 2004 and began practising as a consultant at a busy university hospital in Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania. The hospital is well-known for its research, innovations, and national standard development. Dr Juozaitis then moved to the UK in 2006 and was involved in several hospital service developments.
He is current practising as part of a busy multidisciplinary musculoskeletal centre with weekly interventional day surgery sessions and outpatient consultations. He has practising privileges at several private hospitals, such as Nuffield Hospitals in Wolverhampton and Shrewsbury and Dolan Park Hospital in Birmingham.
After thorough market research, Dr Juozaitis and his colleague founded the company Algocells Ltd, the first Regenexx® affiliate clinic in the UK offering evidence-based regenerative orthopaedic treatments. They currently have locations in London and Birmingham.
Dr Juozaitis provides high-quality care to all his patients. With Regenexx®, he can offer the world's most advanced orthopaedic regenerative stem cell treatments, allowing you to choose non-invasive therapy over a risky operation.
Currículum y resultado del proceso de selección
Nº de colegiado: 6112415
- Inglés
- Lituano
- Ruso
Dr Martynas Juozaitis
¿Por qué es un doctor de primer nivel?
Mr Gordan Grahovac is a leading consultant neurosurgeon and complex spine surgeo... Ver más
Experto en:
- Dolor de espalda
- Spinal stenosis
- Discectomía lumbar
- Cirugía de columna mínimamente invasiva
- Ciática
- Inyecciones espinales
- Dolor de espalda
- Spinal stenosis
- Discectomía lumbar
- Cirugía de columna mínimamente invasiva
- Ciática
- Inyecciones espinales
Por qué es un doctor de primer nivel
Mr Gordan Grahovac is a leading consultant neurosurgeon and complex spine surgeon based in London who specialises in the surgical and non-surgical treatment of d... Ver más
Resultados del proceso de selección
Años de experiencia
Más de 20 años
Experiencia profesional
Spinal Lead, King’s College Hospital and South East London and Kent Regional Spine Network (20... Ver más
Valoraciones de los pacientes
Seguros médicos aceptados
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Mr Gordan Grahovac
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Mr Gordan Grahovac
Kingswood Rd, Royal Tunbridge Wells, Tunbridge Wells
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Top Doctors
Mr Gordan Grahovac
Por qué es un doctor de primer nivel
Mr Gordan Grahovac is a leading consultant neurosurgeon and complex spine surgeon based in London who specialises in the surgical and non-surgical treatment of degenerative, traumatic and malignant spinal conditions. With over 20 years' experience, he is an expert in discectomy, complex spinal fusion and spinal disc replacement procedures, as well as in the use of spinal injections and other minimally invasive techniques for sciatica and neck, back and arm pain. He is the spinal lead at King’s College Hospital and South East London and Kent Regional Spine Network.
Mr Grahovac originally qualified from the University of Zagreb, earning both his medical degree and a PhD in Biological Sciences. He completed his core and higher neurosurgical training also in Croatia before going on to accomplish five prestigious fellowships in the USA, Germany and the UK: a minimally invasive endoscopic brain and skull base fellowship at Weill Cornell Medical College; a WFNS-Aesculap fellowship in Tübingen; a fellowship at the University of Vienna; a paediatric neurosurgical fellowship at Lurie Children Hospital; and a complex spinal fellowship at King’s College London.
Additional to his highly specialised private practice, Mr Grahovac is a consultant at King’s College Hospital since 2016, where he is also the clinical lead for risk. He is a member of various professional organisations, including the British Spine Society and the Croatian Neurosurgical Society, and is additionally a lecturer in the UK and internationally on topics such as back pain, sciatica, spinal tumours, and complex spinal care. He is also the author of more than 40 publications in high-impact, scientific peer-reviewed journals.
Currículum y resultado del proceso de selección
Nº de colegiado: 7473025
- Bosnio
- Croata
- Inglés
- Serbio